It has been a very trying last few days for conservatives and its movement. Emotions have run high from shock to utter sadness to anger. First, the conservative movement lost its fiercest warrior on Thursday when it was reported that Andrew Breitbart passed away. I did not know him personally, after reading and hearing the things written and spoken about him by his friends (even some political opponents) I sure wish I had met him. I really don't know if anything I say about him will give due justice to his life.
Andrew Breitbart did things for which many of us on the right lacked the chutzpah. He tirelessly took on the institutional left without fear and forced them against their will to adhere to their own ethical standards. He did this on countless occasions with the media, our government, Hollywood and academia. He exposed them for their blatant hypocrisy and their gross dereliction of duty. He didn’t care what those on the left said about him or to him, because he understood the big picture he presented solutions to the problems that faced our country and he went after those that served as obstacles to those solutions. He was a visionary with an unparalleled love for his country and a wit that was sharp as a knife. For that he will be greatly missed.
That same day selective outrage was manufactured after Sandra Fluke, a 30-year-old left-wing activist and law student at Georgetown, who picked Georgetown solely based on its Roman Catholic based policy not to cover contraception for its students, was called a slut by Rush Limbaugh after her staged testimony to Nancy Pelosi and other House Democrats on Capitol Hill about the need for free contraception in her life.
Apparently this woman has SO much sex that not only is she unable to afford condoms but the guy(s) in her life cannot afford it either. She needs the government to be her boyfriend. Talk about the lowest of low standards. And hey while we’re at it, let’s have the federal government subsidize alcohol and cigarettes for college students. After all they just want to have a good time and, like contraception, alcohol and cigarettes have their pros and cons too. Let’s also subsidize the entire cost of third dates while we’re at it. What the left is saying here is that their right to free stuff overrides your right not to pay for their actions. Even if this woman becomes an attorney and gets rich enough to afford all the contraception she will ever desire, she will still want you and me to pay for it. It's how these people operate. These people want to live a lifestyle that precludes them from any responsibility. They want choice without consequence. This is not about women’s rights; it’s about the removal of Constitutional rights. It is not a war on women; it is a war on liberty.
The institutional left went into predictable attack mode against Limbaugh as well as Patricia Heaton for her sarcastic, yet much tamer comments about Fluke. Both were called to apologize, did so, and were told, “HA! Not good enough!” So now what do they want them to do? They want them to endure left’s wrath forever and ever. Many of Limbaugh’s sponsors have dropped them. (Think Progress has compiled a list of companies that you should immediately stop doing business with. Incidentally, Carbonite is on this list and yet they are still a sponsor of Ed Schultz’s radio show despite his “slut” remark to Laura Ingraham.) This is hypocrisy on display, all in the name of “civil discourse”.
When you’re playing a game and you lose a top player on your team, you must pick up the slack for the team. Conservatism has lost a top player. While Andrew Breitbart himself is irreplaceable, conservatives everywhere must pick up where he left off. But, not only have conservatives lost a top player, we are playing against a team that includes the referees. For far too long these referees have decided to take the concept of absolute morality, reverse it to where the most amoral of society can have their own relative moral standard, redefine it as such, and then hire people to disseminate that new standard to a bunch of impressionable young adults who are away from their parents for the first time under the guise of education. Make no mistake; these referees do not think that we are all equal, either in Creation or at any point thereafter. They do indeed believe they are superior to certain people, and with that superiority complex comes a sense of entitlement.
Conservatives must position themselves into the places where the institutional left has resided for the last 50 years. It starts in academia, and moves from there. Become professors, journalists, actors, writers and authors. At some point, the institutional left, amoral as they are, will understand that civil discourse is not a Constitutional right, but rather a privilege encompassed in morality, and furthermore, it’s not a one-way street. Civil discourse is the definition of free speech… if you live in Canada. But here in the United States, continue to support people like Rush Limbaugh, Patricia Heaton, and newly outed Hollywood conservative, writer Daniel Knauf. Conservatism cannot and will not die. We understand that there are things worth fighting for that are bigger than ourselves.
But for Ms. Fluke, I sure hope she and all of her activist colleagues at Georgetown and all over the United States cry on each other’s shoulders about how offensive Limbaugh’s words were during their next slutwalk.
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